Date(s) - 04/10/2017
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Register Link
Hello fellow couchers!
It’s been a year since our last Facebook Live! We meant to do this sooner but like everyone else, life just gets in the way. 🙁
So…. We know it’s a bit of a short notice but we’ve decided to stop procrastinating and get on it. So here it is! Our ‘yearly’ Facebook Live Event!
And this time, we’re planning to answer some of the questions we received from our Free Webinar, Property Hotspots – How to Find Them! Thanks to everyone that attended the webinar. We’ve just released the webinar 5 days ago and there’s already a backlogged of roughly 60 questions at the moment. And they are all really good questions too so we want to get to them asap.
We’ll send out these questions in the coming days but if you have any, let us know on this page and we’ll try to get to yours!
Chat to you soon!
Bryce, Ben and Jeremy (and The Stig)
ps: Never heard of the webinar? Find out more here: https://locationscore.easywebinar.live/property-hotspots